Mushaf Makkah
The Mecca Mushaf is an integrated project in the service of the Holy Quran. It consists of an iOS and Android apps, website and printed version, and is inspired by the cover of the Kaaba


Quran Web
BROWSE the Quran by Surah name, verse number or Juz', READ the Quran in Madinah Othmani font, understand the message of the Quran by reading the TRANSLATIONS of its meanings in your language, study the EXEGISES of the Quran, and LISTEN to a wide variety of beautiful recitations. A powerful search feature was also integrated to the website to help in finding verses in a matter of second. All in a well-designed website without downloading any software.

iOS & Android Apps, and Print Version
Apple Devices (iPhone and iPad)
Compatible with the latest Apple devices including iPhoneX
Download From App Store
Android Devices (Phones and Tablets)
Compatible with the latest Android versions on phones and tablets
Download From Google Play

Print Version
The printed copy of the Holy Quran with a dazzling design inspired by the cover of the Kaaba with decorations designed by the most illustrious Qur'anic painters. Available for download and print.
High-Quality Version for Printing - SOON
Unique design ... free ... verified, comprehensive and everything you need in a Quran application